Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira was Minister of Finance (1987), Federal Administration and State Reform (1995-1998) and Science and Technology (1999). Throughout his life, he balanced his role as a businessman — as one of the main executives of Grupo Pão de Açúcar — with a solid academic career. At 90 years old, he discusses economics, particularly theories on development, with a youthful enthusiasm that is the most complimentary word in the book: Bresser-Pereira is, in fact, a militant intellectual, open to debate and the confrontation of ideas. This year, the publisher Contracorrente released the book “Novo Desenvolvimentismo”, which aims to become a new economic theory. In this “Reconversa”, he explains why, in his opinion, the assumptions of what has been conventionally called “neoliberalism” are fundamentally wrong. Not to be missed.