General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Ömer Cengiz answered your questions about "Breast Cancer" in the "Koru Sağlık Gündemi" program presented by Ayça Nur ISICAK. Your Comments 1. What is breast cancer? 2. Is breast cancer a genetic disease? 3. What are the symptoms of breast cancer? 4. What are the risk factors in breast cancer? 5. When should breast cancer screening start? 6. What are the treatment methods of breast cancer? 7. What are the preventive and protective methods in breast cancer? ????Information and Appointment ????0850 307 0724 ????https://www.koruhastanesi.com/meme-sa... #breastcancer #kanser #cancer #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastsurgery #breastcanceridoktoru #breastcerrahi #breastsurgeon #breastcancerarkındalıkayı