Channel 7's popular health program Dr. Feridun Kunak Show closely follows the health of its viewers. Today on Dr. Feridun Kunak Show, important information about women's nightmare breast cancer was brought to the screen. Dr. Feridun Kunak Show, which produces alternative solutions to diseases, continues to be a balm for its viewers' wounds. Dr. Feridun Kunak Show answered questions about breast cancer today on the show. Kunak answered the questions 'What is breast cancer? How is breast cancer diagnosed? Is breast cancer a genetic disease? What should be done for early diagnosis in breast cancer? Can men get breast cancer?' live on air. The program also included mixtures that can be a solution to breast cancer when used regularly. Dr. Feridun Kunak Show, which is adorned with practical life-saving information from health to beauty, will be on Channel 7 Monday-Thursday at 09:25…