The feud between Nikita Mirzani and Fitri Salhuteru has indeed stolen the public's attention in recent times. The two who were once known as close friends are now exchanging insults and even openly attacking each other on social media. The latest surprising incident was when Nikita Mirzani openly exposed her former best friend's 'sores' through her Instagram story. Nikita did not hesitate to reveal several personal things about Fitri that the public may not have known about. This feud is actually nothing new considering their relationship which has been hit by several controversies since the two separated. And all of that has been summarized in the 5 heated feuds that have occurred between Nikita Mirzani & Fitri Salhuteru according to cumi top v. #nikitamirzani #fitrisalhuteru #cumicumidotcom --- --- For Business Inquiries/Endorsement contact: [email protected] The most complete, hottest and latest collection of gossip news videos today about Indonesian celebrities Official Website: http://www.cumicumi.com/ Follow us on social media Facebook: / cumicumidotcom Instagram: / cumicumi.com_insta Twitter: / indigo_cumicumi WA Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaHO...