Brazilians will be able to live in Portugal without a visa, find out how! The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, António Leitão Amaro, announced this Thursday (26/9) changes to the regime for entry of foreigners into Portugal. Some of the main changes are related to citizens of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) and, especially, Brazil and East Timor. https://www.publico.pt/2024/09/26/pub... Watch the video and leave your opinion. ✅Make your trip paying the lowest price: ???? https://tr.ee/Afb48ZuAgY ✅Travel Insurance: https://api.seguroviagem.srv.br/marin... ✅Link to the best WhatsApp Group: https:/ /chat.whatsapp.com/F8InmWs38lx... ✅ Wise, transfer and use your money anywhere safely: https://wise.com/invite/ih/elisneid ✅Follow the Channel: https://bit.ly /2Zejslf Channel for fun: / mimidourada ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? PROFESSIONAL DIRECT CONTACT [email protected] Instagram: @neymarinhoof Facebook: Ney Mar TikTok: @neymarinhoof