Brake caliper repair [AUTODOC GUIDE] ???? Visit our website: https://www.autodoc.hu/?utm_source=Yo... Repair kit, brake caliper — https://www.autodoc.hu/jarmu-alkatres... ????️ You will need: Brake caliper — https://www.autodoc.hu/jarmu-alkatres... Piston, brake caliper — https://www.autodoc.hu/jarmu-alkatres... Guide bushing kit, brake caliper — https://www.autodoc.hu/jarmu-alkatres... WD-40 — https://www.autodoc.hu/wd-40/13563355... Brake fluid — https://www.autodoc.hu/jarmu-alkatres... Tool kit — https://www.autodoc.hu/szerszam/szers... LIQUI MOLY Quick Cleaner — https://www.autodoc.hu/liqui-moly/152... Assembly paste — https://www.autodoc.hu/trw/2204964?ut... ???? Buying through the app is always cheaper than on the website! ❱❱ Install the AUTODOC app — https://interstitials.onelink.me/1036... ⚡ All video and PDF tutorials. Download and watch on the AUTODOC CLUB page – https://club.autodoc.hu/manuals/fekbe... ???? Subscribe to the AUTODOC channel to not miss the latest videos on replacing car parts. ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/AutodocHu?s... 00:00 — Repair kit brake caliper: step-by-step replacement guide 00:20 — To complete the replacement, you will need the following 01:00 — Look at the design and fasteners of the brake caliper. 01:29 — Unscrew the fasteners of the brake caliper. 02:55 — Push the rubber boot back, slide it off, and then remove the piston. 03:36 — Place the caliper in the reservoir and connect the brake hose to it. 04:35 — Check the condition of the piston and caliper. 05:32 — Clean the caliper body and all mounting points. 07:00 — Apply some lubricant to the seal. 08:11 — Reinstall all removed parts. 09:25 — Make sure all connections are clean. 10:48 — Tighten the bleed screw and disconnect the unit. 11:20 — Tighten the wheel bolts one by one in a crosswise pattern. If you are interested in our content, you can watch our other video tutorials: ► Stabilizer bar replacement guide — • Repair kit, brake caliper replacement guide... ► Car parts replacement Universal videos from AUTODOC — • Car parts replacement Universal vid... Mobile version: https://m.autodoc.hu/?utm_source=YouT... ???? Find AUTODOC on social media: Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/autodoc_auto... Facebook: / autodoc.de YouTube: / autodochu TikTok: / autodoc.eu #autodoc #autodoctutorial #autodoctips Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee that you will achieve the desired result. We recommend that you entrust the installation to a properly qualified professional for the best results. This video only contains tips and recommendations that may be useful when repairing or replacing a car part. AUTODOC is not liable for any damage, injury or material damage resulting from the incorrect use or interpretation of the information provided during repair or replacement. This video is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee the achievement of a given result. The user is personally responsible for the incorrect use of equipment, tools or car parts used for repair, especially if such use could result in a risk of injury. AUTODOC strongly recommends that you exercise caution and follow safety precautions during repair or replacement. Remember that the use of low-quality car parts does not guarantee the proper level of traffic safety. © 2022 AUTODOC AG All rights reserved