Hello my friends, In this video I am on a vacation trip returning from Pernambuco after sleeping in the city of Guanambi BA, I am starting the second day of my trip to São Paulo. On BR 122 in the city of Porteirinha MG to Janaúba MG. Come explore with us the routes of the northeast and the routes of Brazil on road trips to the northeast 2024. Road trip to the northeast 2024 is here on the morais na br channel. Northeast routes are challenging. Road trip northeast 2024 is not for everyone. Come with me to the northeast here on the morais na br channel. Thank you all for watching my videos. Instagram: moraisnabr #moraisnabr #moraesnabr #viagemnordeste #viagemaonordeste #viagem #pernambuco #turismo #porteirinha #janauba #br122 #minasgerais