INGREDIENTS 4 cups bulgur 2 cups sugar 1 sourdough bread 4 grams of yeast 2 tablespoons boza (it is also possible without) PREPARATION First, we soak the bulgur in water for 1 day. We drain the water of the bulgur that has been soaked in water and cook it for 10 minutes. After cooking for 10 minutes, drain the water of the bulgur, rinse it and put it back in the pot and add 5 liters of water. We cook it for 4 hours, stirring occasionally. You need to add water as the water decreases. We put the cooked bulgur in a colander and crush it and pass it to the bottom. If it is still large, you can put it in a blender. We add water to the pureed bulgur and obtain a fluid consistency. We pass the liquid boza through a strainer and turn it into a smooth boza. If the consistency of your boza, which has reached the consistency of smooth boza, is solid, you can add a little water to make it thinner. Now we add the boza to 2 different jars. Now we can move on to the fermentation process. We add 1 tablespoon of boza, 2 grams of boza yeast, half a slice of sourdough bread and 1 cup of sugar to two jars. We mix the jars with a spoon, cover them with a towel and leave them in a dark place for at least 2 days. During the 2-day period, we remove the towel from the top of the boza and air it out, then close it again and leave it to ferment in the same way. Our boza is ready at the end of 2 days. We add cinnamon and roasted chickpeas to decorate. Bon appetit to everyone.