Symbolic violence is one of the many concepts developed by Pierre Bourdieu. A French sociologist, essential to contemporary thought, he is the author of works such as: Male Domination, Practical Sense, Reproduction - Elements for a Theory of the Education System, World Poverty, among others. Bourdieu seeks to analyze society from a Weberian perspective (comprehensive sociology) but without losing sight of the dialogue with other classics. Expanding the concept and capital developed by Karl Marx, making links with the power that social structures exert over the formation of the individual. It is very worthwhile to get in touch with the work of Pierre Bourdieu, mainly because of his very peculiar and critical way of problematizing the most varied situations and contexts that we experience in our daily lives. Leave your like and your comment saying what you thought of the video, any suggestions or criticisms. Oh, and don't forget to subscribe and activate notifications! References BOURDIEU, Pierre. Outline of a Theory of Practice. In: ORTIZ, Renato (org.). Pierre Bourdieu: Sociology. Translated by Paula Montero and Alicia Auzmendi. São Paulo: Ática, 1983. BOURDIEU, Pierre. On symbolic power. In: BOURDIEU, Pierre. Symbolic Power. Translated by Fernando Tomaz. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2001. _________________ Teaching systems and systems of thought. In BOURDIEU, P. The economy of symbolic exchanges. SP: Ed. Perspectiva, 2004d. _________________ Structure, habitus and practice. In BOURDIEU, P. The economy of symbolic exchanges. SP: Ed. Perspectiva, 2004e. SOCIAL NETWORKS ▸ site http://professorkrauss.com ▸ instagram / professorkrauss ▸ facebook / professorkrauss ▸ twitter / professorkrauss