Without a script and straight out, so a bit long. But necessary in my opinion. If you're expecting comparisons in editing and the like, you can click on to the next page. Small correction: The Garden Pro tools were already available in 2015. This video is about the new GHE 18V-60, the AdvancedHedgeCut 36V-65-28 and also how they compare to the old GHE from the Garden Pro series. More channels and information www.facebook.com/groups/boschptfan www.facebook.com/boschptfan www.instagram.com/boschptfan This is a non-commercial video of a private nature and by a fan for other fans and is not paid for by the brands mentioned, even if there is support for these videos here. I'm checking that the video contains paid advertising such as product recommendations, sponsorships or recommendations because I want to be on the safe side. Advertising through brand mention. Supported by product placement. Sharing or using this video is permitted provided the source is explicitly stated.