A short video inspired by a trip to Inari. During the Continuation War, Soviet partisans attacked a mail truck in Laanila, Inari, in July 1943. Several civilians were wounded in the attack and three people lost their lives in partisan fire. The bishop of Oulu, Yrjö Wallinmaa, was also killed in the attack, who was probably the most famous or well-known individual who died in a partisan attack in Finland. Contrary to the information presented in the videos, the Soviet partisans also attacked an inn in Laanila, and did not run back across the border, as the video says. Written sources: - https://www.inarilainen.fi/uutiset/pa... - https://www.saariselansanomat.fi/kult... Image and video sources: - https://museovirasto.finna.fi - FinHistoryChannel's own pictures and videos from Lapland #Historia #Inari #Continued War