Our mood is not always good. Our mood can change frequently depending on various environmental factors, our health status, etc. If our mood drops, we do not feel like doing anything. This includes studying. We need to learn how to voluntarily raise our mood, refresh ourselves and study efficiently. We touch on the relationships between mood, focus and studying with Prof. Dr. Nilgün Canel, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Psychological Counseling, Marmara University. Our guest: https://avesis.marmara.edu.tr/nilgun.... #collaboration Thanks to the 60-minute refreshment and flavor of First Infinity, you can raise your mood, feel refreshed, and study more effectively by focusing. How do we raise our mood? Simple recipes for raising mood The relationship between mood and focus Why do we get distracted and how do we recover? What is Self-Regulation skill? Simple recipes for focusing Getting started studying How to create an efficient study schedule? What are the common mistakes made while studying? Follow us! / cerencsungur Twitter https://x.com/tarihobasi History Obası Blog / tarihobasi Our Artificial Intelligence Music https://suno.com/@tarihobasi