WELCOME TO BOOK ADVENT! Previous days: Introductory video: • BOOK ADVENT 2024!//Topic preview and more... Day 1: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 1: book, g... Day 2: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 2: book about ... Day 3: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 3: lots of g... Day 4: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 4: book, g... Day 5: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 5: fun, g... Day 6: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 6: going out to ... Day 7: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 7: if I can... Day 8: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 8: Looking for a... Day 9: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 9: Who to... Day 10: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 10: Very g... Day 11: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 11: A book about... Day 12: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 12: If not... Day 13: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 13: A book about... Day 14: • BOOK ADVENT 2024//Day 14: A book about... Books from past days of Advent: 1. The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold https://book24.ru/r/ckOqu?erid=LjN8KHQkH 2. Mary Pearson "Dance of Thieves" https://book24.ru/r/LsWnH?erid=LjN8KHoDB 3. Devin Madson "We Will Ride the Storm" 4. Lucie Pierrat-Pageau "The Secrets of Larispem" https://book24.ru/r/QsfDD?erid=LjN8KMpzM 5. John Scalzi "The Fall of an Empire" 6. Cormac McCarthy "The Border Trilogy" 7. E.J. Mallow "Song of Eternal Rains" https://book24.ru/r/Nrioe?erid=LjN8KPSkB 8. Brian Staveley "Blades of the Emperor" https://book24.ru/r/ocMSa?erid=LjN8KaMRM 9. Lynette Noni "Rebel Queen" https://book24.ru/r/NEtJF?erid=LjN8KTp1H 10. Vilma Kadlechkova "Mycelium. Amber Eyes" https://book24.ru/r/WKuNL?erid=LjN8KV9w1 11. Richard Morgan "Altered Carbon" https://book24.ru/r/QvHVp?erid=LjN8KDmfJ 12. Marie Brennan "A Natural History of Dragons" https://book24.ru/r/EmSJi?erid=LjN8KE79E 13. Shannon McGuire "Every Heart Has a Door" https://book24.ru/r/cVXoX?erid=LjN8KF7b2 14. Richard Swan "Justice of Kings" https://book24.ru/r/OmMln?erid=LjN8KFnYt You can support the channel: 1. By subscribing to Boosty: https://boosty.to/taecelle or by sending a one-time donation https://boosty.to/taecelle/donate 2. By clicking on affiliate links in timing and purchasing books (any, not necessarily from the video) My channel in Telegram: https://t.me/unrevised_life And a channel about literary mastery: https://t.me/novel_revising Channel on Boosty: https://boosty.to/taecelle My lists on LiveLib: https://www.livelib.ru/reader/taecelle and Goodreads: / 17733450 My books on LiveLib: https://www.livelib.ru/selection/1368578