How to properly apply wire to bonsai? How to shape bonsai with it? You will find a couple of tips on this in this video, as well as the progress of changes in my bonsai over 2 years of growing using bonsai techniques and a colander. This video will also touch on topics such as: how to choose branches for bonsai and also how to properly develop them. Top 5 easiest bonsai in my opinion: • Top 5 easiest bonsai for beginners ... My formicarium and the life of ants in it: • THE ANT QUEEN BUILDS COMMUNISM ... The most common mistakes of beginners: • The most common mistakes of beginner bonsai ... Support the channel with a ruble! The money will go to the purchase of new bonsai for the channel! Now the money will go to the purchase of coniferous trees on the channel! 1) My Paypal: [email protected] Send directly in EURO (€) #bonsai #bonsaifromscratch #bonsaiseedlings #bonsaifromseeds #bonsaifrompine #bonsaigrowthacceleration #bonsaiindruchcamp #bonsaifromelm #bonsailessons #bonsai #howtogrowbonsai #bonsaifromseeds #bonsaishaping #plantingbonsai #bonsaichannel #bonsaishapingtips #bonsaitree #relaxbonsaivideo #prebonsaishaping #prebonsai #bonsaiinwinter #winteringbonsai #caretips #yamadoribonsai #tipsforwinteringbonsai #bonsaifromscratch #bonsaitreefruit #relaxbonsai #relaxbonsaivideo #bonsaiathome #bonsaifruits #bonsaivideo #yamadori #bonsaivideo #bonsaificus #allbonsai #bonsailessons #bonsaitree #relaxbonsaivideo #kirio #akadama #bonsaisoilkirio #bonsaisoilakadama##bonsaifromscratch #growingbonsai #howtoshapebonsai #bonsaifrombeginning #bonsaisocialnetwork #bonsaishaping #mobileapp #mobileappbonsai #bonsaicare #bonsaicalendar #androidbonsai #bonsaichannel #macbonsai #bonsaichannel #allbonsai #bonsaiinspring #oakbonsai # ___ My Telegram: https://t.me/urokibonsai My Instagram: / paganich My girlfriend's Instagram: / kaloupsch.junior My VK: https://vk.com/paganich My group about BONSAI in VK: https://vk.com/urokibonsaiyt My Paypal: [email protected] Good luck!