Bonsai defoliation involves pruning all or some of the tree's leaves during the summer. In this way, we force the tree to grow new leaves, which reduces the leaf size and increases the branching of the entire plant. But defoliation has its own rules! Which trees can be defoliated? As a rule, most deciduous trees can be defoliated. But, as always, there are exceptions. Some trees react very poorly to this method! You cannot defoliate a sick or weakened bonsai! You cannot defoliate a bonsai after a recent transplant! You cannot defoliate a bonsai more than once a year! IT IS ALSO NECESSARY TO CREATE THE RIGHT POST-DEFOLIATION CONDITIONS! The use of defoliation can help a bonsai grower solve a large number of problems associated with leaf gigantism or poor branching in bonsai. If you have any questions, ask them under the video. I advise you to subscribe to the channel, so as not to miss new videos on this and other topics related to the art of bonsai! 1) My Paypal: [email protected] Send immediately in EURO (€) ___ Online store: https://akadama.ru Mobile bonsai application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Website: https://urokibonsai.ru Forum: http://urokibonsai.ru/forum/ My Telegram: https://t.me/urokibonsai My Instagram: / paganich My VK: https://vk.com/paganich My Tiwtter: / urokibonsai My group about BONSAI in VK: https://vk.com/urokibonsaiyt My Paypal: [email protected] Good luck! #bonsaidefoliation #bonsaidefoliation #plantdefoliation #reducingleafsize #improvingbonsaibranching #acceleratingbonsaibranchgrowth #bonsai #bonsai #bonsaileafgigantism #bonsaifromscratch #bonsaiseedlings #bonsaifromseeds #pinebonsai #bonsailessons #paganich #howtogrowbonsai #bonsaifromseeds #plantingbonsai #bonsaichannel #bonsaishapingtips #bonsaitree #howtoshapebonsai #relaxbonsaivideo #prebonsaishaping #prebonsai #bonsaiinwinter #winteringbonsai #caretips #yamadoribonsai #winteringbonsaitips #bonsaifromscratch #bonsaitreefruit #relaxbonsai #relaxbonsaivideo #bonsaiathome #bonsaifruits #bonsaivideo #yamadori #bonsaivideo #bonsaificus #allbonsai #bonsailessons #bonsaitree #kirio #akadama #bonsaisoilkirio #bonsaisoilakadama #bonsaichannel #bonsaifromscratch #bonsailessonschannel #growingbonsai #howtoshapebonsai #bonsaifrombeginning #bonsaisocialnetwork #shapingbonsai #mobileapp #dimaispain #mobileappbonsai #bonsaicare #bonsaicalendar #androidbonsai #channelbonsai #mackbonsai #channelbonsai #channellessonsbonsai #allbonsai #bonsaiinspring #oakbonsai #bonsaifrombeginning #yourbonsai #howtostartbonsai #allbonsai #bonsairoots #punsai #pun-tsai # ___ Good luck!