The musculoskeletal system includes the skeleton and skeletal muscles. The skeleton consists of bones that are movably connected to one another by joints. The shape of the joint and stabilizing ligaments in particular determine the directions in which different parts of the body can be moved. The shoulder joint, for example, allows more directions than the knee joint. Most movements are controlled by the brain. The more complex the movement, the more joints are involved and the more muscles have to work together in a precise sequence. This interaction of bones, muscles and joints works so well that we don't even have to think about it. You can read more about how the musculoskeletal system works on the health portal of the Health Knowledge Foundation: https://www.stiftung-gesundheitswisse... There you will also find all the information about the sources on which this film is based. #MusculoskeletalSystem #FoundationHealthKnowledge #KnowledgeIsHealthy