Prof EDUARD BOMHOFF was a top economist for a long time, briefly deputy prime minister and has been a widely read columnist for a long time. This month his new book 'The Casino Pension and other burning issues' https://www.wyniasweek.nl/product/het... will be published by Uitgeverij Blauwburgwal. In this video interview for WWTV, SYP WYNIA talks to Bomhoff about his new book, about his experiences in politics and about today's politics and economy. A common thread in the book is the civil servants who all too often determine politics instead of the other way around. An absolute leading role is reserved for Klaas Knot, the president of De Nederlandsche Bank, seen by Bomhoff as the evil genius behind the new pension system and behind the introduction of political hypes (such as climate and biodiversity) in the bank's policy. Wynia's Week TV can also be listened to as a podcast https://www.wyniasweek.nl/podcast/ ! The digital internet newspaper Wynia's Week is published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and is completely free. You can register here https://www.wyniasweek.nl Wynia's Week is made possible by the donors. Are you already participating? You can donate in different ways, look HERE https://www.wyniasweek.nl/doneren