Leonardo Attuch is a journalist and editor-in-chief of Brasil 247. José Reinaldo Carvalho is a journalist and international editor of Brasil 247 and the website Resistência. Lejeune Mirhan is a sociologist, university professor, and member of the Academia de Altos Estudos Ibero-Árabe de Lisboa and the International Sociological Association. Alex Solnik is a columnist and commentator for TV 247. Author of 13 books, he has worked for Jornal Da Tarde, IstoÉ, Senhor, Careta, Interview, and Manchete. Aquiles Lins is the editor of 247, and a presenter and commentator on TV 247. He has a master's degree and is a PhD candidate in Political Science at UFSCar. Full video here: • Bom dia 247: Democracy won, viv... • Subscribe to Brasil 247 and TV 247 at https://brasil247.com/apoio or support via Pix using the key [email protected]. • Follow the Brasil 247 channel on WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va5C... This is the only channel authorized to use journalistic content from TV 247. All rights reserved.