Bolsonaro was invited by Trump to attend the inauguration, but without a passport, the Myth had to record a very fancy video to thank him for the invitation and to give Xandão the green light to allow him to travel. Bezzi and Demori comment. Edited by: Coletivo Boca Miúda. www.bocamiuda.com ???? Become a member of this channel: /galãs feios ???? Subscribe to our course “How to start your YouTube channel” on ICL: https://icl1.com.br/galas-padrao/ ???? Support Galãs Feios so we can continue reporting scams: https://apoia.se/galasfeios ???? Galãs Feios Account Consulting and Com. Banco Itaú Ag: 0188 CC: 17965-9 CNPJ: 15277493/0001-89 ???? PIX: [email protected] ???? PayPal: [email protected] ???? Buy our shirts and caps: https://www.elcabriton.com/galas-feios ???? Consulting and sales: [email protected] #RolouNaLive