Miracle or accident? Derivative product or masterpiece? The animated series Arcane, a simple Netflix adaptation of a successful video game, has met with astonishing critical and public success. A look back at an unexpected cultural phenomenon within an industry driven by commercial logic with @bolchegeek. SUBSCRIBE to the Humanité channel / @humanitefr ???? Did you like this video? For 100% free and committed information, SUBSCRIBE: https://abo.humanite.fr/2243 ✊ We are not funded by ANY BILLIONAIRE. And we are proud of it! To support us in the face of constant financial challenges, SUPPORT US: https://www.humanite.fr/donner-a-lhum... ???? HUMANITY IS ALSO: A site: https://www.humanite.fr/ An application: https://app.humanite.fr Twitch: / lhumanitefr Instagram: / lhumanitefr Threads: https://www.threads.net/@lhumanitefr Twitter: https://x.com/humanite_fr TikTok: / lhumanitefr