If you want to preserve your peach stocks, you can boil them down or pickle them. To make sure that the peach compote turns out well, you should know a few tricks when preserving. In this video, we show you how to prepare the peaches properly - a basic recipe that you can easily adapt to your taste - a few tricks on how to keep the compote as long as possible and how to store the compote properly. You can find more details and tips in my article (link): https://www.philognosie.net/haushalts... Table of contents / chapters 0:00 Intro 0:07 Introduction to peach compote 0:36 Preparing peaches 0:56 Blanching peaches 1:25 Cutting and pitting 1:37 Peach compote recipe 2:06 Boiling peaches 2:35 Filling peach compote 3:12 Labeling & storing