The type, which took over the role of three- and four-geared ones, surpassed them in terms of efficiency. Its several versions are capable of traveling 13-15 thousand kilometers, its capacity exceeds 400 people, its two huge engines can lift up to 350 tons. It has been the world's largest twin-engine airplane in the sky for 30 years. How was the Boeing 777 born in the mid-90s? What innovations did the engineers use? How did they create the fly-by-wire system and why did they debate for a long time whether to have a sidestick or a traditional horn rudder in the cockpit? How does the 74 meter long, 65 meter wingspan monster behave on the ground and in the air? This time, the focus is on the great favorite of aviation fans, the birthday triplet, about which Géza Zainkó, Aeropark aviation history researcher, and Getta-Giuriato Zafir, former Emirates 777 captain, tell us about. (Editor: Balázs Kránitz) If you would like to support the rebirth of the airplanes on display in the Aeropark: Donate with remittance: 10101360-03379200-01003004 Air Transport Cultural Center Nonprofit Kft. (Please write: donation in the comments section) More information here: https://aeropark .hu/ 00:00-01:57 Only briefly 01:58-02:22 Tax 1 percent offering 02:23-03:13 The star of the airports 03:14-06:38 Unfathomable dimensions 06:39-08:52 Life on the 777 08:53-13:23 This is how Triple Weeks was born 13:24-19:33 Revolutionary innovations 19:34-21:28 The first plane is presented 21:29-26:09 Horses in the sky 26:10-28 :34 This is what the new 777s will look like 28:39-33:38 Adventure flights