That Spain has great world figures in research is proven by the guest that Carles Mesa and I have had the honour of having accompany us today in the Vida Sana space of the programme No es un día cualquiera. She is Dr Guadalupe Sabio. Her CV is so extensive that reading it would take us the whole programme, so we will only say that she is the director of a research group at the National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) of the Carlos III Institute in Madrid. You can find more information about her on her laboratory's website (http://www.sabiolab.com) and on her Twitter account, which we of course advise you to follow: @gsabiolab. Among other questions, we asked her when and where her interest in science came from, and more specifically, in diseases as complex as cancer or obesity. I took the opportunity to explain to her that we were even taught at university that adipose tissue (so that everyone understands us: the fat in our body) only has the functions of protecting us from the cold, cushioning blows and serving as an energy store. Something that Guadalupe has denied (fat is an endocrine organ). Since on the website of her laboratory (www.sabiolab.com) it is detailed that they are researching certain proteins activated by stress (they do not refer to the stress that the average person knows), we have also asked her what exactly it means to research “the role of protein kinases activated by stress in the development of cancer and atherosclerosis induced by obesity”. Guadalupe has been kind enough to answer these and more questions for us, and finally, we have asked her one last question: what health advice would you give to those who are listening to us?