Welcome to our channel, yes to our channel, because it was created for you, who like me is passionate about BANDAS DO SUL and loves the most danceable style of the 3 states of the region, so leave your LIKE, subscribe to the channel and SHARE the video. BANDAS DO SUL today brings today a selection with the best of BANDA CORPO E ALMA, because when we talk about dances it is impossible not to remember BANDA CORPO E ALMA, and of course our channel would have to present the greatest successes of BANDA CORPO E ALMA. Did you like the video? Leave your LIKE and share ... Link to share: • BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best In this video - BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best In this video - BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best In this video - BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best #bandacorpoealma #bandasdosul #corpoealma EXTRA TAGS IGNORE: BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of the body and soul, banda corpo and soul the best bands from the south, band from the south, small bands from the south, bands, history of bands from the south, the best bands from the south, music from the south, selection of small bands from the south, launch of small bands from the south, top bands from the south, top small bands from the south, top bands from the south of brazil, small bands, top most played bands, old southern bands, top bands from the south, most played in the south of brazil, southern bands, BANDA CORPO E ALMA, the best of body and soul, banda corpo e alma the best, BDS,