Purchase here: https://amzn.to/3zykdFJ https://shop.jellyjellycafe.com/produ... StylishNoob / stylishnoob4 Myako / @myakkomyako Oniya / %e3%81%8a%e3%81%ab%e3%82%84o228 JELLY JELLY CAFE - A cafe where you can play board games from all over the world https://jellyjellycafe.com/ A radio show hosted by Masayoshi Oishi and Junichi Kato Live broadcast every other Wednesday from 22:00! Videos are also released irregularly Exclusive videos are available on the PizzaRadio subscription site https://pizzaradio.jp/ PizzaRadio / okpizzaradio Masayoshi Oishi / masayoshi_oishi Junichi Kato / unkochan1234567 #pizzaradio #boardgame #boardgameCutout guidelines are available. For details, please see the link below. • Post Line stamps are now on sale! https://store.line.me/stickershop/pro...