This is my E90, which I bought back in the fall of 2017, and since then I have driven many mostly carefree and pleasant kilometers with it, with a few problems here and there that gave me headaches. So let's make a summary of our own seven-year experience - what it was like, first of all in terms of reliability, breakdowns and maintenance costs in general. 00:01 Introduction 00:39 BMW 320i E90 - briefly about the car 01:30 Oil level sensor 01:55 Vacuum pump servo brake 02:18 Oil cooler gaskets 02:41 Radiator fan 03:15 Alternator failure 03:42 Crankshaft sensor BMW N46 04:12 Oil vapor separator (BMW CCV) 04:25 Valve rubbers & blue smoke from the exhaust 05:13 Coils & Spark plugs 06:21 Front shock absorbers E90 06:41 Bar balance 06:53 Discs and pads replacement 07:09 Passenger door lock E90 07:46 How much does a minor service on a BMW E90 cost?