http://skyeng.ru/go/LOONY – sign up for a free English lesson +2 lessons as a gift with the promo code LOONY https://www.donationalerts.com/r/loon... - Donate / loonyscience - Patreon Instagram, which is worth subscribing to (mine!) - / loony3212 Music - https://vk.com/lvcai DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and I do not have a medical education, so please, if you notice mistakes in the video, describe everything in detail in the comments. Let's approach my mistakes productively :) Thanks for your assistance. Description: Bloodletting, as a method of treatment, was first mentioned by the Egyptians one and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ. Then they knew very little about the mechanisms of the human body, and in order to somehow navigate this world, people had to draw their own conclusions in the face of an almost complete lack of information. People have long understood that there are some fluids in the body, as well as that something happens to these fluids during illnesses. Closer to the fourth century BC, all these ideas began to form into something coherent and intelligible, at least at that time. The heyday of bloodletting began with the ancient Greek medical tradition. This procedure fit perfectly into the generally accepted ideas about the diseases of those times. At that time, all illnesses were usually explained by an imbalance of the four bodily juices - lymph, yellow and black bile and blood. Excess of any of these fluids in turn affects not only health, but also temperament... Other videos from the series - [History of Medicine] • Spanish flu - [History of Medicine] - Video about Spanish flu • Puerperal fever - [History of Medicine] - Video about Puerperal fever • Ebola - [History of Medicine] - Video about Ebola • Malaria - [History of Medicine] - Video about Malaria • Antibiotics - [History of Medicine] - Video about Antibiotics • Antibiotic resistance - [History of ... - Video about Antibiotic resistance • RABIES - [History of Medicine] - Video about ... Channel Two - / @archivariusn1 Instagram - / loony3212 I'm on VK - https://vk.com/loondrom My public page on VK - https://vk.com/loonydrom Links to sources: https://pitt.hosted.panopto.com/Panop... https://allthatsinteresting.com/blood... http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.or... http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.or... I couldn't find the rest because I wrote the script six months ago, sorry :) Books: The History of Quackery - Lydia Kang, Nate Pedersen Neither Wallet nor Life - Simon Singh, Edzard Ernst