Synopsis: Documentary about the tradition of the practice of blessing in the city of Astolfo Dutra, Minas Gerais, founded in 1808 with the name Santo Antônio de Porto Alegre de Ubá, having in 1816 been renamed Porto de Santo Antônio and, with its emancipation in 1938, became known by its current name. The place has a long tradition in the craft of blessing women/blessers, revealing aspects of a culture based on Christian teachings and syncretism with Afro-Brazilian culture. Locations: filming took place in November 2012 in the city of Astolfo Dutra, Minas Gerais. Credits: Director: Cosme Elias and Deleon Silva Screenplay: Cosme Elias Assistant directors: Flávio Lemes, Flávia Costa, Carolini Domingos, Paula Lopes and Renato Gonçalves Graphic art: Flávia Costa Graphic art (finalization): Roseane Venancio Editing: Fernando Cruz Image and photography direction: Fernando Cruz and Filipe Rufato Production direction: Filipe Rufato Photography: Tiago Ribeiro, Flávia Costa and Flávio Lemos. Camera: Fernando Cruz, Filipe Rufato, Tiago Ribeiro Production: ADUBAR -- Development Agency of Ubá and Region FAGOC -- Governador Ozanam Coelho College FAGOC Institute of Education and Culture Municipal Department of Education (Ubá City Hall, Minas Gerais) Municipal Department of Education (Astolfo Dutra City Hall, Minas Gerais)