In this video you can see a Bitzer piston cylinder compressor http://mehrespand.ir/?p=87 which had corroded various components and contaminated the system due to acidification of the system, use of substandard freon gases and failure of high pressure control. Note that contamination is only a sign of a problem http://mehrespand.ir/?p=60 and the problems of the compression chiller or cold store cycle should be solved in general before installing a new compressor. It is also recommended to use a suction line filter and wash the entire cycle before installing a new compressor. http://mehrespand.ir/?p=191 To see more videos and articles, visit the site http://mehrespand.ir/. The method of identifying the causes of compressor failure is explained in detail in the video Causes of Compressor Failure, which you can get an understanding of the causes of compressor failure by watching this video series.