The start of December was so promising in the crypto sector. However, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's speech on the planned interest rate policy in 2025 sent the markets into a tailspin, including Bitcoin and Co. In this interview with Oliver Michel, Tokentus, you will find out how the situation on the last trading day of the year should be classified, how much you were able to collect with our conservative crypto portfolio and why there could be a special gift for Sam Bankman Fried. 0:00 - Intro / Welcome 0:54 - Status Quo 02:15 - USA 10:31 - Bitcoin 23:15 - Altcoins 29:53 - Strategic 35:44 - Suggestions / Gossip Note on conflicts of interest: The board of directors and majority owner of the publisher Börsenmedien AG, Mr. Bernd Förtsch, has directly and indirectly taken positions on the following financial instruments mentioned in the publication or derivatives related to them, which can benefit from any price development resulting from the publication: Tokentus. More about the individual Tokentus knowledge blocks can be found here: / @tokentusinvestmentag ???? More current information, tips and analyses on www.deraktionaer.de: https://tiny.li/Qddg ???? Click here for the current issue of DER AKTIONÄR: https://tiny.li/2edg ----- ►► Follow us here:◄◄ ???? LinkedIn: / deraktionaer ???? Facebook: / aktionaer ???? Twitter: / aktionaer ???? Instagram: / deraktionaer ???? TikTok: / deraktionaer