Dr. Berti and Dr. Paolazzi in connection with Dr. Roberto Bortolotti. Rheuma Journal Club aims to be an event dedicated to the in-depth study of scientific studies. The scientific article will be analyzed with a critical spirit to evaluate the validity of the data, the completeness, the methods, the procedures, the conclusions, the strengths and weaknesses, the respect of ethical principles. These meetings are born with the aim of developing Critical Thinking, stimulating everyone and especially the youngest to maintain reflective and critical capacity on scientific articles and to facilitate their reading and interpretation and acquire new skills regarding research that can play a significant role in carrying out one's profession. The Rheuma Journal Club is curated by Dr. Alvise Berti and Dr. Giuseppe Paolazzi to whom we extend our thanks for all the work and commitment shown #crei #collegioreumatologiitaliani #rheumajournalclub #osteoporosis #bisphosphonates