Birds Without a Nest is a 1970 Turkish film directed by Mehmet Dinler. The screenplay was written by Erdoğan Tünaş and the leading roles are played by Filiz Akın and Ediz Hun. The production of the film was undertaken by Şahan Haki. #turkishfilm #filizakın #turkishmovie The director of Birds Without a Nest is Mehmet Dinler and the producer is Şahan Haki. The screenplay of the film was written by Erdoğan Tünaş. The cast of Birds Without a Nest; Filiz Akın, Suzan Avcı, Şefik Döğen, Serpil Gül, Ediz Hun, Hüseyin Zan, Muzaffer Çapin, Ömercik, Münir Özkul.