Florian Homm was a big guy: entrepreneur, hedge fund manager, high performer through and through. Where are the parallels to juvenile delinquency? Pollux asks the right questions! There was a bounty on his head that would have made any gangster's mouth water. He was the first German on the FBI Most Wanted list and there is so much more that makes him a very interesting personality! Exciting interview. ----------------------------- Click here to go directly to Florian Homm's YouTube Channel: / @florianhommofficial ----------------------------- Support our work on Patreon: / maximilianpollux ----------------------------------- Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: / @maximilianpollux ----------------------------------- Go to the shop https://shop.maximilianpollux.com/ ------------------------------------ Our association for innovative youth work: https://www.sichtwaisen-ev.de/ --------------------------------------------- Social Media / maximilianpollux / maximilian.pollux.5 --------------------------------------------- Kieleck - the book by Maximilian Pollux https://www.rmv.de/shop/krimis/kiel... --------------------------------------------- Video edit by Jeremy Besli / jeremynakra Film and light by Caro / caro2.0_photoart Thumbnail by Nick http://www.huck-media.de/ -----------------------------------------------