Billionaire and entrepreneur Jens Rugseth takes a crushing stand against politicians who waste money, force the future out of the country, and allow schools and other core activities to fall into disrepair. – It took many hours from the time the Titanic hit the iceberg until it sank, says Jens Rugseth, comparing today's Norway to the luxury ship that could not sink, but which nevertheless sank in 1912 and where about 1,500 people died. He himself has left the ship and moved to Switzerland, but he despairs over politicians who are unable to change course. According to DN, over 500 Norwegians with at least 25 million kroner in assets have already moved to Switzerland, and several are getting ready to leave. – Foreign investors I talk to don't understand what's happening. Why is this beautiful country that has everything and could have become the best in the world, harming itself. They simply don't understand it, says Rugseth. In today's latest edition of the podcast Ness, we meet businessman Jens Rugseth. Over the course of forty years, he has created thousands of jobs and enormous assets, but when he realized that his companies would have to pay an extra 1 billion kroner in dividends, in order for him to pay 50 million kroner in taxes, he gave his wife a clear message. – We have to move. He couldn't live with letting the companies bleed to death in a system that punishes Norwegian ownership. The alternative was to fire a lot of people, and drop the company's growth ambitions. But the politicians think that I have this money lying in the mattress. Now he could have kept his mouth shut and enjoyed life in Switzerland, but instead he sings out while he's in Norway for a quick trip over Christmas. – I have six children and grandchildren left in this country. I feel I have to sing out of consideration for them and everyone else. The politicians don't understand what I'm talking about, but I get a lot of support from ordinary people. He believes that the current course is simply dangerous. – We have a policy that creates exclusion, and politicians who squander the oil fund on empty prestige projects. In the conversation, Rugseth goes through a wide range of topics: Public waste, the health care system in Norway versus in Switzerland, the referendum, what he thinks about the future. – The greatest value we have is the people in this country. Now we are wasting them. Watch or listen to the entire wonderful episode here. Don't forget to like and follow iNyheter on YouTube. The podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and X.