Pariya Phudongthin The story of Thailand's top wildlife photographer. Who went deep into the jungle to capture rare animal images for conservation and to record them as a legacy for future generations.. With the story of tracking, decades of experience traveling deep into the jungle, dangerous work and having to go deep into the jungle, causing him to encounter scary, haunted experiences and experiences of life in the jungle that many people never knew... And he is the one who recorded the famous image of a rare animal that has been missing for more than 40 years, which is the rabbit tiger. Follow the story of the photographer, the tiger watcher in this clip. Contact channels See more information about our channel Facebook ☛ / kongkapanfc Twitter ☛ / officia57113394 Tiktok ☛ / kongkapanofficial Line Official ☛ https://line.me/R/ti/p/@bangaor KongkapanStore ☛ https://www.kongkapan.com/