Is Russian culture really great? The appointed Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis urged not to ignore it. But how is it greater than the cultures of the Poles, Latvians, Swedes or Czechs? Historian Prof. Alfredas Bumblauskas emphasizes that artists, while Russia is killing people in Ukraine, could be interested in the works of other cultures. And perhaps, Russian culture should finally start being called the culture of the Russians? 00:05 What is great culture? 03:32 Russia and the Russians. 05:21 The navel of the world. 08:51 We have twisted history with our belts. 12:55 People in exile. 16:11 The golden age of Russia. 19:22 The dynamic decade of Lithuania. 22:01 The traitor Nėris. 25:26 Life will make up. 27:04 It should be "cooled down". 30:39 The great culture of the Latvians. 31:57 Moscow has appropriated Kiev's history.