When you look up into the sky at night, do you sometimes ask yourself why it is dark? After all, the sky is full of stars that shine like our sun. Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers asked himself the same question almost 200 years ago. And he came to the conclusion that something did not fit with the then common idea of the infinity of the universe and the observation that it is dark at night. He came to the conclusion that our universe cannot be infinite. But if it is not infinite, then it must have had a beginning somewhere and at some point. This is where the Big Bang comes in. Scientists have discovered that the universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang, meaning that galaxies and stars are moving further and further away from each other. And because of the speed of the expansion, you can even calculate when the Big Bang must have happened. That was about 14 billion years ago. And it gets even better, the Big Bang took place exactly where you are right now, but also in every other place. Strictly speaking, the Big Bang took place everywhere. You can find out how that can be in this video. What no scientist can yet really explain satisfactorily, however, is what actually happened before the Big Bang? And how can time and space just come into being like that? We can at least be fairly certain that the Big Bang actually happened, because in 1963 scientists accidentally discovered remnants of the Big Bang in the universe, the so-called cosmic background radiation. Ralph explains what this is all about in this video. Authors: Ralph Caspers, Ingo Knopf Research: Sebastian Funk Camera, editing, graphics: Klaus Wache Editor: Monika Grebe --- Thanks for watching! Did you like the video? Then subscribe now to the only official Quarks channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Quarks?sub_co... Quarks on Facebook: / quarks.de Also visit: https://www.quarks.de #Quarks on Instagram: / quarks.de / beautyquarks #Quarks #BigBang #RalphCaspers