We launched catharsis for our channel! It's at https://www.catarse.me/chavequinze and you can now send us a little change every month: either to purchase new equipment that will help with recording or even cool pieces to show in the videos! If you can't contribute money, it will be a great help if you can share it with your friends and family who enjoy bikes! We also accept donations via pix! [email protected] ============= To buy Latina, the WONDERFUL BIKE from Talita's store: https://lasmagrelas.com.br/latina/ Don't forget the coupon: CHAVEQUINZE for 5% discount!!! TO BUY ANYTHING THROUGH AMAZON and give our channel a boost: https://www.amazon.com.br/s?k=bike&i=... Are you going to build a bike or change parts of it and are in doubt about what to choose? We have a consultancy service! ============= Visit our website: http://www.chavequinze.com Twitch: http://www.twitch.com/chavequinze Instagram: /chavequinze Twitter: /chavequinze Facebook: / Chavequinze Subscribe to our channel: /chavequinze ============= Talita's Store: http://www.lasmagrelas.com.br ============ =