Saint IGNATIUS Brianchaninov on studying the Bible and living according to the Gospel commandments. 0:10 Chapter 1. A Warning About Reading the Old Testament 1:11 Chapter 2. About Reading the Gospel 3:01 Chapter 3. About Studying the Gospel Commandments and Living by the Gospel Commandments 10:24 Chapter 4. People Will Be Judged at the Judgment of God by the Gospel Commandments 12:19 Chapter 5. Monastic (Christian) Life Is Living by the Gospel Commandments 15:08 Chapter 6. About the Fragility of Monastic (Christian) Life When It Is Not Based on the Gospel Commandments 21:00 Chapter 7. Living God-Pleasing in Silence Must Be Preceded by Living God-Pleasing in Human Society 25:17 Chapter 8. About Keeping Oneself from the Good That Belongs to Fallen Human Nature 33:15 Chapter 9. On the enmity and struggle between fallen nature and the Gospel commandments Link to text: http://стина.net/biblia/new_zavet/br... Link to section: http://стина.net/biblia/new_zavet/ne... Author of the channel - DMITRY KUZNETSOV (contacts for communication): Channel "CHRISTOLUBE" on YouTube: http://goo.gl/e2JvI6 Odnoklassniki: http://ok.ru/christolube Twitter: / christolube VKontakte: http://vk.com/christolube Facebook: https://fb.com/christolube SKYPE: christolube SITE: http://christolube.site SUPPORT the channel here: http://christolube.site/donate.htm CHANNELS on YouTube: "CONVERSATIONS "CHRISTOLUBTSEV": https://goo.gl/ZY9VRq "CHRISTOLUBE live": https://goo.gl/iIcgTP "TRUE": https://goo.gl/4k0dAi GROUPS "#CHRISTOLUBE" in SOCIAL NETWORKS: Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/group/54285172080765 VKontakte: https://vk.com/christolubegroup FaceBook: https://www.fb.com/christolube MyWorld: https://my.mail.ru/mail/true.net