#bibekdhital #sunita_sunar #livedohori ====================================== 🎶 Official Song : Maya Aaune Bus Maya Aaune Bus ♬ Vocal:- Devi Gharti & Diplop Khati ♬ Lyrics:- Netra Aryal ♬ Music:- Diplop Khati Official Video Link: • Maya Aaune Bus - Devi Gharti Diplop... ____________________________________________________ Live Dohori Singer Bibek Dhital Sunita Sunar __________________________________________________ Chorus Singer:/ Musician Team Mayur LIve Studio Team ________________________________________ Camera ♬ Tarakanta BK ♬ Laxman Lwagun ♬ Padam Lwagun ________________________________________________ Edit Tarakanta Padam Lwagun Khum oli Birahi ______________________________________________________ Audio/Mixing ♬ Tarakanta BK ♬ Pawan Bishwo ______________________________________________________ Studio Mayur Live Studio Manamiju Kathmandu Contact : 9847629512/9 2024 This channel will contain songs, music and videos, download and upload to other channels. Embedding to a website is allowed