The legendary Belarusian biathlon team. Pyotr Ivashko, Oleg Ryzhenkov, Aleksandr Popov and Vadim Sashurin won the first gold medal in the history of national men's biathlon in the world championship on February 6, 1996 in Ruhpolding, Germany, leaving no chance for their rivals in a somewhat exotic, and by today's standards, completely forgotten type of biathlon competition. #biathlon, #sport, #athletes, #race, #competition, #winter, #archive, #worldchampionship, #sportofBelarus, #teamofBelarus, #Championship, #WorldChampionshipofBiathlon, #biathlon1996, #sport1996, #Ruhpolding, #Ruhpolding1996, #Germany, #Belarus, #OlegRyzhenkov, #PyotrIvashko, #AlexanderPopov, #VadimSashurin, #competition, #biathloncompetition, #race, #team, #teamrace, #retro