#TeatruRadiofonic #EugeneONEill #DincoloDeZare #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani #MirceaAlbulescu Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you can't find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater Fratii Mayo do exchange of destinies: Robert, the one destined for sea travel and dreams, chooses marriage with Ruth and a doomed life of failure on his parents' farm, and Andrew, the young man who is disaffected, a worker with an entrepreneurial spirit, arrives across seas and countries, dissatisfied with the East. Cast: George Calboreanu, Marietta Sadova, Nicu Dimitriu, Mircea Albulescu, Constantin Codrescu, Maria Botta, Aura Buzescu, Sorina Păsculescu, Mircea Constantinescu, Constantin Bărbulescu.