Electricity is omnipresent, in our private lives as well as in our everyday working lives. What is often forgotten is that it can be fatal. Napo makes an unpleasant acquaintance with this danger in his latest film. He promotes safe handling of electrical devices and installations. Many accidents at work can be prevented by correctly implementing occupational safety. Napo shows you how it's done. Find out more here: http://www.suva.ch/sysPm9q Suva is more than just an insurance company: it combines prevention, insurance and rehabilitation. More information on our website: hhttps://www.suva.ch/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Suvaschw... Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Xing : / suvaschweiz / suvaschweiz / suva https://www.xing.com/company/suva You can find more videos about Suva in these playlists: Suva on site: Accident reports: • Playlist Recognize the potential danger: • Playlist