This film tells the story of two best friends, Sarkawi and Mad Sopi, where Mad Sopi likes Marlena, but Marlena herself falls in love with Sarkawi. This certainly creates tension between the three of them, especially Sarkawi who has been close friends with Mad Sopi for a long time. To find out the details, please watch the 4th film from this Equatorial Cycle. Hopefully useful. Thank you. This film tells the story of two best friends, Sarkawi and Mad Sopi, where Mad Sopi likes Marlena, but Marlena herself falls in love with Sarkawi. This certainly creates tension between the three of them, especially Sarkawi who has been close friends with Mad Sopi for a long time. To find out the details, please watch the 4th film from this Equatorial Cycle. Hopefully useful. Thank you. This film tells the story of two best friends, Sarkawi and Mad Sopi, where Mad Sopi likes Marlena, but Marlena herself falls in love with Sarkawi. This certainly creates tension between the three of them, especially Sarkawi who has been close friends with Mad Sopi for a long time. To find out the details please watch the 4th film of this Equatorial Cycle. Hopefully useful. Thank you. #youtube #youtuber #comedy