** Subscribe here https://goo.gl/mme9BS ** Ready to dive back into the BÉTÉ BÉTÉ universe, at the heart of the Gueer, Guewel, Teug or Laobé families? Follow season 2 of BÉTÉ BÉTÉ with a new episode every Monday and Thursday at 8:30 p.m. UTC. #betebete #season2 #episode4 #legsdusang #evenprod #originalcreation #team221 ** Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/mme9BS ** Directed by Ibou Gueye (Senegal, December 2024) An EVEN PROD SENEGAL production: +221 33 868 27 26 ** Become an advertiser? Contact our sales department ** Evenprod +221 77 422 70 41 Find Evenprod on social networks* TikTok / evenprodsenegal Instagram / evenprodsenegal Twitter @evenprodsenegal Facebook / evenprodsenegal