Today, the antagonists and predators from the Ice Age franchise will fight in a fair fight! →Other battles here - • Battles →TG channel so as not to get lost: https://t.me/tele_pirate1344 →Support the channel and the author with a penny: Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/kino... SberBank: 2202 2069 0386 2295 VTB: 2200 2403 0634 6392 →For cooperation issues: Mail: [email protected] My TG: @Avel_Kino_Pirate Yandex Zen - https://zen.yandex.ru/id/62540b9c8485... Enjoy watching! #review #battle #cartoon #iceage #villain #comparison #villains #cartoon #iceage #villians #winter #ice