Hello everyone ???? Welcome to the Talk Show Fairies ???????? My one and only guest Irem Derici ???????? Let's see İrem Derici, who both rocks Turkey with her songs and touches our hearts with some of her sharp-tongued statements, in the guest seat as the talk show fairy ♥️ A little poll, a little swearing, some action here and there and a 10/10 talk show with lots of jokes and funny awaits you✨ To Follow Berfu Yenenler on Social Media: Instagram: / berfuyenenler Threads: https://www.threads.net/@berfuyenenler Tiktok: / berfuyenenlerofficial Berfu Yenenler with Talk Show Fairies Instagram Account Instagram: / talkshowperileri Host Berfu Yenenler Production Synergy Media Management Event Content Berfu Yenenler Cetto Media Director Bahadır Çınar Assistant Director Berna Duran Director of Photography Tahir Zencirbağ Technical Director K.Girgin Camera Hamit Topkaraoğlu Kaan Taş Ataberk Şadı Ahmed Nadhim Davut Şentürk Light Frequency Light / Şenol Şengüler Guest Coordination Synergy Media Management Event Venue Synergy Voxl Studio #Berfuyenenler #Talkshowperileri #İremderici