#Classic #0157 Support: http://toroid.com.br/ Subscribe to our new video platform: http://www.dailymotion.com/wrkits Contribute to the WR Kits project: / wrkits https://apoia.se/wrkits WR Kits Store: https://wrkits.com.br/ Fanpage: / wrkits Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat: @WagnerRambo A very simple bench power supply for you to assemble and use in your electronics lab, is the theme of our classic Friday video lesson! Files for download: Option 1 https://github.com/wagner-rambo/arqui... Option 2 https://mega.nz/#!6VRDFZaC!PExPeAyqvy... SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL NOW: www.youtube.com/canalwrkits?sub_confi...