Free online conference from Skillbox — https://clc.to/TVgylw Doctor Olga Belokon and Vyacheslav Kaminsky about pregnancy and childbirth. How to get pregnant and when to go to the doctor in case of long-term failures. Planning a pregnancy, multivitamins, the optimal age for childbirth and genetic diseases, tests to detect pathology in the fetus. How to cope with toxicosis. You will also learn about the peculiarities of a pregnancy with twins and why you cannot fly on an airplane in this condition. But the most useful thing from this interview is that it opens your eyes to the uselessness of many prohibitions. For example, you can play sports - however, the exercises must be adapted for pregnant women. Is it possible to have sex during and after pregnancy. Who is indicated for a cesarean section, the attitude of an obstetrician-gynecologist to epidural anesthesia. The age of the youngest and oldest woman in labor. Harmful advice from doctors that is absolutely useless. A large issue about pregnancy and childbirth in Rumors. Link to Olga's course "Women's Health" https://belokonevent.com/ ADD ME TO FRIENDS: My Instagram / raminalalala My Telegram channel https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEmAhl-chTJ... My Tik Tok http://vm.tiktok.com/fgpopu/ Olga's YouTube channel: / @DoctorBelokon Olga's Instagram: / doctor_belokon Vyacheslav Kaminsky's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Every week Ramina Eshakzai takes exclusive interviews from famous people. Watch the new episode and subscribe to the channel / RaminaEskhakzai #rumors are coming #olgabelokon #doctorbelokon #gynecologist #interviewwithgynecologist #obstetriciangynecologist 00:00 announcement 1:06 what is this episode about 1:49 pregnancy planning 5:48 earning money for a new episode 6:55 preparing a man 8:50 HIV and pregnancy 9:44 protocols in Ukraine, Europe and the USA 11:00 should I drink Duphaston 19:10 discharge during pregnancy 20:21 multivitamins 22:12 tests for fetal pathology 28:44 pregnancy with PCOS 31:04 rhesus conflict 32:04 questions for the obstetrician-gynecologist 34:00 drawing up a birth plan 34:57 what should not be done during childbirth 37:33 enema before childbirth 37:56 ectopic pregnancy 39:47 abortion for medical reasons 45:07 how often to do an ultrasound 46:59 nutrition during pregnancy 48:05 toxicosis 51:53 what not to do during pregnancy 58:30 sports and pregnancy 57:57 sex after childbirth 58:40 medications during pregnancy 1:00:03 pregnancy and Covid 1:04:14 review of the ward where premature babies are kept 1:07:33 how to bring down the temperature of pregnant women 1:08:19 IVF and oncology 1:13:15 poor eyesight and cesarean 1:13:48 natural childbirth after cesarean 1:15:26 infertility 1:16:57 ovulation 1:19:19 cesarean 1:20:32 infections during childbirth 1:21:29 giving birth for health 1:22:43 intimate plastic surgery 1:24:24 episiotomy 1:26:43 breech presentation of the fetus 1:28:20 maternity hospital operating room 1:30:44 again about cesarean 1:31:37 obstetric aggression 1:33:47 epidural anesthesia 1:34:58 the youngest and oldest woman in labor 1:35:43 surrogacy 1:36:48 infant mortality 1:38:08 course "Women's Health" from Belokon 1:38:32 competition from our heroes