Words: Fr. Paweł Radziejewski SDS Music: Fr. Jurek Lazarek SDS Production: Bagno Salvatorian Ministry Editing: Krzysztof Kastelik Text: To believe like Peter at Caesarea To put your hand in your side after Thomas To taste the tears of Mary Magdalene And in little Bethsaida to open your eyes To taste the bread after multiplication To be an only child raised from the dead in Nain To know the taste of liberation from many legions And to look God in the face on Mount Tabor To touch what is intangible To see clearly the invisible Give me the strength to believe So that I can live life to the fullest To understand the silence after the storm on the lake To cross the Red Sea in leather sandals To call your brothers to Jacob's well To recognize Christ at the altar in Emmaus To taste the bread after multiplication To be an only child raised from the dead in Nain To know the taste of liberation from many legions And to look God in the face on Mount Tabor It's so simple when you believe That our worlds still interpenetrate And even though you don't understand God has secrets Ask Him finally He will surely answer